Live your best life today, by living on the life map God designed for you!
After 7+ years of ministering to volumes of men, this system evolved from both Biblical and field data (both our successes and failures). In Matt 20:28 we see the purpose of Jesus: serve and empower (give His life for many). We are called to imitate Christ and therefore His model for ministry. Ultimately, this process is based on the core pillars of The Gospel, The Great Commandment and The Great Commission. It’s not about “completing” each pillar, but leveraging one to build upon the other.
A deeper look...
This blueprint is modeled after: Jesus ministry model, parable of the talents, milk to solid food, the 4 levels of the river (Ezekiel 47), Dr. Ed Cole’s Majoring in Men, Freedom sanctification journey, and other core Biblical principles. Our vision is that we all are actively pursuing Christ somewhere on this map. Why? To not only live our best life here on earth, but so after death we hear the eventual response: “Well done, good and faithful servant”!
What makes MPC unique...
We place an emphasis on spiritual warfare.
- “If a man is not engaged in spiritual warfare, he’s probably engaged in spiritual welfare. Meaning, he’s probably become
dependent on outsourcing his spirituality to his pastor, leader, coach or worse…..his spouse or mother.” -MPC - Pursuing Christ is one of the hardest thing a man can do due to the invisible spiritual warfare most men are unaware of.
As a result, most men succumb to the hidden enemy’s attacks and resort to satisfying their flesh. For most Christians
who make it past this first level of attacks, the chances of them advancing is greatly reduced due to improper
preparation by the church. This why empowerment to pursue Christ is needed by a ministry like MPC. - God called men to be the prophet, priest and king of their home. This requires combat training in spiritual warfare.
- As the spiritual counterattacks increase with each level of the map, intentionality must be placed on being more
Christlike (practically and spiritually) vs being a “better Christian”, per today’s popular church standards. - We understand this is a difficult topic for church leaders to address for the general church audience, so we make it our
priority to emphasize at the more intimate ministry level.
- “If a man is not engaged in spiritual warfare, he’s probably engaged in spiritual welfare. Meaning, he’s probably become
We challenge the status quo of what most churches call discipleship and men’s ministry.
- Having a true ministry is one that that serves and empowers men to actively pursue Christ. It must include support,
accountability, guidance and empowerment from both its structure and brotherhood relational framework. - Relational mentorship is vital in the front end, as we emphasize brotherhood coaching. However, the vision of a deep
relationship with The Holy Spirit (the ultimate coach) is our emphasis at the disciple-maker level, while still maintaining a
healthy relationship with the brotherhood. Again, trying to avoid spiritual welfare dependency on a human for provision. - We believe the endgame is for the man to ultimately be a stewardship soldier, solely dependent on Christ alone
(especially when alone, similar to how Jesus demonstrated in times of heavy warfare), while at the same time fighting
alongside his brothers in arms. Similar to raising our children: we’re preparing them to thrive in the real world on their
own, to ultimately make more Christlike leaders out of our brothers and sisters!
- Having a true ministry is one that that serves and empowers men to actively pursue Christ. It must include support,