Empowering MEN
to pursue CHRIST,
one CHURCH at a time.
Today's Struggle
The root of society’s problems today is the man. Men who have been passive and/or abusive of their stewardship responsibilities have pushed our world into deeper sin and chaos, ever since Adam in The Garden.
Additionally, many church leaders are not equipped with a thorough process to effectively transform these men into the disciple-making soldiers needed to fight this epidemic and expand God’s Kingdom. Lack of Christlike men to lead, per God’s design, leaves churches at risk of stagnation or worse.
The Solution
Fortunately, there is a solution. By equipping men and churches with a proven map of true manhood (Christlikeness), men can become the prophet, priest and king God designed them to be in order to steward their faith, family and unique God-assigned ministries.
In addition to the man and his home prospering, churches experience accelerated growth due to these Christlike leaders, trained in spiritual warfare, who champion God’s call for His church, locally and corporately.
Leadership development EMPOWERMENT of MEN is the key!
Our Mission
MPC is a servant ministry dedicated to equipping churches with a proven blueprint that empowers men from unbeliever to disciple-maker, accelerating the growth of Christlike leaders for Kingdom expansion.
Our unique and proven methodology pushes the envelope beyond leadership development, by focusing on building stewardship-soldiers, who then create new soldiers, reproducing the acceleration of organic, sustainable and unique growth.
How We Serve
Our Story & Impact
Our Leaders
Contact Us
Mailing Address
17350 State Hwy 249, Ste 220 Houston TX 77064
Phone number
(281) 728 - 4865 (text or call)
Men Pursuing Christ is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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If you would like to support the work of MPC in any way (love, influence, resources, time, funding, etc.) we would gladly appreciate it.
Feel free to contact us directly or donate now via this website.